
For your corporate events in Cartagena or business meetings, we have a multifunctional board room that allows you to host colleagues or guests in a welcoming space with excellent choices in coffee breaks or business lunches.

We have 4 welcoming spaces depending on your needs. Organize elegant events in our hotel in the city of Cartagena.

To coordinate your events, you can contact us by email or by calling 3160107654.

Board Room

Board Room

Maximum capacity of 30 people, ideal for meetings, business conferences, business fairs, private lunches and dinners in which our Arsenal restaurant provides all services. Equipped with all the necessary audiovisual media, air conditioning, WIFI included and natural light

Garden Terrace

Garden Terrace

Semi-covered space by a wooden pergola, decorated with fair type lighting, fans and air conditioning. With capacity for up to 120 people with a cocktail setup and up to 80 people for banquets.

Event terrace

Event terrace

Open space with panoramic views of the city, with capacity for up to 80 people for a cocktail party and 50 for a banquet setup.



Open space with a 360° view of the city and the bay of Cartagena, with a maximum capacity of 30 people for cocktails and 20 people for banquets.


We have a trained human team to advise you in all the stages and details of your event.


Our rooms are equipped with the latest technology in audiovisual aids, we have technological allies that offer multiple solutions to meet your requirements.


Our spaces are the ideal place to celebrate special events, conferences and business meetings in an elegant and functional environment. They are designed to adapt to your needs, with different capacities and configurations available.

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